Lepton-Photon 2015 v Ljubljani

Od 17 do 22. avgusta se bo v Ljubljani odvijala največja letna konferenca fizike visokih energij ``Lepton Photon" (na dve leti se izmenjuje s konferenco ICHEP), ki jo tokrat organizirajo kolegi z IJS. Poleg tega, da lahko pričakujemo morda prve resne rezultate z LHC pri novi energiji, bo konferenca ponudila tudi poljudno predavanje očeta inflacijske kozmologije Alana Gutha z MIT (in povsem verjetnega nobelovega nagrajenca kdaj v prihodnjih letih...).

Predavanje bo v četrtek 20.8. na Gospodarske razstavišču. Se po mojem splača priti, če vas zanima znanost.
Speaker: Alan Guth 
Title: "Inflationary Cosmology: Is Our Universe Part of a Multiverse?" 
  Inflationary cosmology gives a plausible explanation for many
  observed features of the universe, including its uniformity, its
  mass density, and the patterns of the ripples that are observed
  in the cosmic microwave background.  Beyond what we can observe,
  most versions of inflation imply that our universe is not unique,
  but is part of a possibly infinite multiverse.  The speaker will
  describe the workings of inflation, the evidence for inflation,
  and why he believes that the possibility of a multiverse should
  be taken seriously. 

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