Google Science Fair 2014

Google pripravlja projekt Google Science Fair 2014 za mlade od 13 do 18 let. Letos si posebej prizadevajo, da bi na dogodku sodelovalo tudi čim več Slovencev, zato zbirajo predloge, katera društva in organizacije bi posebej povabili, da svoje člane spodbudijo k sodelovanju. Rok za oddajo prispevkov na "Googlovem sejmu znanosti" je sicer 12. maj 2014.

This year’s campaign once again celebrates kids’ abilities with the theme,‘It’s your turn to change the world’ and has a powerful activation idea at its heart. The campaign message encourages students to use their existing passions and talents to tackle something they want to change, as a ‘winning formula’ to kickstart a project idea. We hope our launch film will encourage students to believe in their ability to bring change to the world. We’ve also revamped our website and launched a new Idea Springboard, to help students find a project idea.
