Odprtje nacionalnega centra INFN v Trentu

Iz novice na interactions.org sem izvedel, da so pred dnevi v Trentu odprli nov nacionalni center INFN (italijanske fundacije za jedrske raziskave). Se posebej zanimivo je, da odpirajo tudi regionalni center za protonsko terapijo, ki je prihajajoca bodoca tehnika za zdravljenje raka.

Trento, Italy, January 16, 2013 – The Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications (TIFPA), the INFN's new centre, in Northern Italy, dedicated to particle physics and the development of cutting-edge technologies in sensoristics, space research, supercomputing and biomedicine, was inaugurated at Trento University. The TIFPA stems from the collaboration between the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), the University of Trento, the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) and the Trento Provincial Agency for Proton Therapy (ATreP). 
The new centre will deal with research in fundamental physics as well as innovation and technology transfer, exploiting the existing infrastructures, skills and human resources of the project's partners in Trento and expanding specific areas of action. It will, for instance, be able to count on the infrastructures of the Centre for Materials and Microsystems and of the European Centre for Theoretical Physics of the Bruno Kessler Foundation, and use the new proton therapy machine that will become operational by the end of 2013.

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