Ljubljana v 36 urah

NYTimes ima redno popotniško rubriko ... v 36 urah. Tokrat je bila na vrsti Ljubljana. Nič pretresljivega, ampak vedno je zanimivo kako Ljubljano vidijo obiskovalci
SLOVENIA’S first city, Ljubljana, has its fair share of charming Old World plazas, baroque churches and dramatic castles. But this walkable capital (population 280,000) also has a rich cultural scene that would be impressive in a city twice its size. In the last few years, Ljubljana has seen several notable museum openings, a new public bike-rental program and a major renovation of its Hapsburg-era opera house. With the country surrounded by Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia, the national cuisine is infused with a cornucopia of influences; the capital’s latest restaurants are bypassing novelty and getting creative with traditional Slovenian fare. There are also surprisingly offbeat facets of the city, like Metelkova City, a cluster of clubs and galleries that opened inside a complex of former military buildings after Slovenia declared independence, in 1991. Elsewhere, remnants of a Roman wall built around A.D. 15 share a block with boxy Communist office buildings and Art Nouveau mansions from Austro-Hungarian times. Such juxtapositions contribute to the city’s distinctive character. 

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