Rezultati o Higgsu 4.julija!

Četrtega julija, tik pred konferenco ICHEP v Melbournu, bosta ATLAS in CMS predstavila v CERNu rezultate iskanja Higgsa. Iz CERN izjave za javnost
CERN will hold a scientific seminar at 9:00CEST on 4 July to deliver the latest update in the search for the Higgs boson. At this seminar, coming on the eve of this year’s major particle physics conference, ICHEP, in Melbourne, the ATLAS and CMS experiments will deliver the preliminary results of their 2012 data analysis.

Najbolj povedni je naslednji odsek
If and when a new particle is discovered, ATLAS and CMS will need time to ascertain whether it is the long sought Higgs boson, the last missing ingredient of the Standard Model of particle physics, or whether it is a more exotic form of the boson that could open the door to new physics.

4. julija bo ob neposrednem prenosu na voljo tudi v živo razlaga za nefizike.

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