20 let arXiv.org

14. avgusta 1991 je [email protected] prejel prvi preprint. S tem se je pred dvajsetimi leti rodil arXiv.org, strežnik, ki trenutno gosti okoi 700 tisoč preprintov iz fizike in matematike. Zelo zanimiv članek o zgodovini arXiv.org (pa tudi razvoja računalništva, kot ga je izkusil Paul Ginsparg) je na voljo tukaj. Spodnjo anekdoto ste morda že slišali, a je ni škoda ponoviti

Email usage became a more regular habit in the early 1980s, first within local computer systems and then via the growing primordial networks. Back at Harvard in that period, I once explained with some effort to my colleague Sidney Coleman the then nonobvious phenomenon of receiving an email message via DECNet from the exterior, in this case from a former Harvard PhD student since moved to Berkeley. Struggling to grasp the far-reaching implications, he furiously paced in a circle and, then, with dawning comprehension, presciently summarized : “The problem with the global village is all the global-village idiots.”

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