Na spletni strani revije Science so včeraj objavili nenavadno, a kot kaže resnično zgodbo iz naše bližine. Sedmim članom komisije, ki je na podlagi šibkih potresnih sunkov domnevno dala v javnost zmedene in nejasne informacije o dejanski verjetnosti, da pride do hujšega potresa, sedaj sodijo, ker so zavajali prebivalce mesta L'Aquila v osrednji Italiji, ki ga je 6. april 2009 stresel močan potres, pri čemer je umrlo 308 ljudi. Zaradi nepopolnih informacij, ki so jih obtoženi dajali pred potresom, naj se prebivalci mesteca ne bi dovolj resno pripravljali na najhujše.
Več tule: Italian Scientists to Stand Trial for Manslaughter in Quake Case - ScienceInsider
Enzo Boschi, the president of Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), will face trial on charges of manslaughter with six other scientists and technicians for failing to alert the residents of L'Aquila ahead of the devastating earthquake that struck the central Italian town on 6 April 2009, killing 308 people.
The seven experts sit on the nation's major risks committee, and were probed by L'Aquila prosecutors after members of the public complained that it was the committee's reassurances that persuaded them not to leave their homes ahead of the quake.
Oznake: S.D.