Globalno ogrevanje in skeptiki II

Zelo na kratko: zanimiva kolumna od Krugmana v NY Times danes med drugim pravi:

"...Prof. Richard Muller of Berkeley, a physicist who has gotten into the climate skeptic game, has been leading the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project, an effort partially financed by none other than the Koch foundation. And climate deniers — who claim that researchers at NASA and other groups analyzing climate trends have massaged and distorted the data — had been hoping that the Berkeley project would conclude that global warming is a myth.

Instead, however, Professor Muller reported that his group’s preliminary results find a global warming trend “very similar to that reported by the prior groups...”

Analiza prof. Mullerja še ni končana, vendar ga je Kongres pozval k pričanju na podlagi predhodne analize, kjer je Mueller rekel, da zdaj kljub svojim prvim dvomom misli, da je možno kontrolirati sistematični bias v podatkih, ter da se njegove preliminarne analize na nakljucnem vzorcu podatkov ujemajo z obstoječimi analizami drugih agencij (seveda nas zanima, kaj se bo zgodilo, ko si bo ogledal celotno zbirko podatkov).