Družbeni indikatorji za Slovenijo 2011

OECD je pravkar izdal publikacijo Society at a Glance 2011 - OECD Social Indicators, v kateri analizirajo različne zanimive dužbene indikatorje onstran gospodarskih v ožjem smislu. V predstavitvi so izpostavili pet najbolj zanimivih za vsako državo. Za Slovenijo so izbrali tele, na prvo mesto pa so postavili relativno veliko dohodkovno enakost, o kateri smo že pisali.

- Slovenia has the lowest income inequality in OECD and the ninth lowest relative income poverty rate (7.8%).

- At three hours and 51 minutes, Slovenians do the sixth highest amount of unpaid work in the OECD, 24 minutes more per day than the OECD average.

- Slovenian women can expect to receive the full old age pension for 27.2 years, the second longest in the OECD, just after Italian women and well above the OECD average of 23.3 years. Things are less rosy for Slovenian men (19 years) who get less than a year more than the OECD average.

- Slovenia registered a big fall in infant mortality in the last generation and has the second lowest rate in OECD of 2.1 per 1000 live births, just after Luxembourg.

- Slovenians are in the highest third of the OECD for perceived corruption and the lowest third for confidence in national institutions.
