ScienceInsider informacije o Fukushimi

Na ScienceInsider izpostavi revije Science spremljajo popotresno dogajanje na Japonskem vključno z jedrsko situacijo. Zbirko odgovorov na vprašanja, ki so jih postavili bralci, lahko preberete tukaj. Zbirka vseh postov na to temo pa je na voljo tukaj.

Še posebej zanimivo je pisanje glede nevarnosti vžiga odsluženih gorivnih palic, ki se začne takole

Among the worst case scenarios at the Fukushima plant is that the spent nuclear fuel, which sits in essentially open cooling pools near the six nuclear reactors, could catch fire for a prolonged period and spew tons of radioactive dust in a radioactive plume. It appears some of the spent fuel has been on fire at reactor #4; fire occurs if the rods get hot enough to burn their cladding. Reports say that high levels of radioactivity have made it difficult to fight the fire, which appears to have continued to burn late Wednesday. Today, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) head Gregory Jaczko said that the pool at reactor #4 had run dry; Japanese authorities denied this.

Industry and academic scientists have long been at odds over the risk of such an event. U.S. regulators have mostly sided with industry, which before today said such a fire was impossible. Today, they appear to have changed that view.
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