Dodaten volilni glas za matere z otroki na Madžarskem

Osnutek nove madžarske ustave, ki naj bi ga začeli sprejemati naslednji mesec, vsebuje zanimiv člen, ki potencialno omogoča dodaten volilni glas za starše:

XXI. Article
(2) It cannot be considered an infringement of equal voting rights if a super majority law provides an additional vote for mothers in families with minor children, or as a provided by law, another person may be entitled to an additional vote.

Nekoliko, hm, nemoderno zveni tudi preambula z naslovom (v angl. prevodu) God, bless Hungarians - National credo. Recimo:

We are proud, that out King St. Stephen ... made our county a part of Christian Europe. ...We recognize the role of Christianity in preserving our nationhood.

We profess that the most important frameworks for our coexistence are the family and the nation, the fundamental values binding us together are loyality, faith and love.
