Kako postati še boljši nedeljski znanstvenik?

Tudi pri Kvarkadabri imamo nekaj malega izkušenj z lokalnimi garažnimi znanstveniki, ki vedno znova dokazujejo, da se je Einstein zmotil pri svoji teoriji relativnosti, da je s kvantno mehaniko nekaj hudo narobe, ali da so med branjem Hawkingove Kratke zgodovine časa našli svojo zelo dobro "teorijo vsega". Vse to jim seveda uspe brez eksperimentov in uporabe enačb, saj so njihove prelomne ideje tako fascinantne, da s takšnimi malenkostmi ni vredno izgubljati časa.
Nekaj zelo uporabnih navodil, kako lahko takšni "izumitelji" postanejo še boljši v svoji ljubiteljski dejavnosti "dokazovanja", da se ortodoksna znanost moti, ko ne sprevidi genialnosti njihovih alternativnih teorij, so napisali na blogu Mad Science v zapisu: How can I be a more awesome crackpot? Tule navajam nekaj odlomkov:
Ed Witten desperately wants to know what you have to say. ...
Your sentences should either be eight words or fewer; either that or the better part of a page. If you repeat short phrases (like "All particles are held together by goblins") like a mantra, your audience will eventually come to see your point. ...
MS Paint figures will really bring your point home. ...
Relativity should be treated as though it's the ramblings of some dude at a party and not, for example, one of the most successful physical theories ever, and one that has passed every observational and experimental test thrown at it for a century. ...
Any theory that doesn't explain everything, explains nothing. We haven't detected the Higgs particle yet? We don't know what dark matter or dark energy is? That's because the standard model is completely wrong. ...
Invent your own language. I cannot stress this enough. The disadvantage of arguing with scientists in their own language is that they know what words mean and how to turn things like "sentences" into other things like "equations." ...
Have a kick-ass manuscript. This should generally include a pdf of no less than a 100 pages which spells out your theory in full, is replete with equations that resemble well-known equations, but with subtle sub- and super-scripts that are never explained.
