Currently research is funded according to many input oriented indicators.trenutni podpisniki iz Slovenije.
At present the financial regulation - the relevant legal funding framework - treats research in similar way as procurement processes for any goods.
This condition is unsatisfying for researchers, research organisations and the European Community as a whole. It hinders the development of ground-breaking results through ineffective research funding.
The funding of European research should be based on trust. Today European researchers face many red tape and cumbersome financial regulations. We are not against rules. Rules are important and accountability is essential. However, research has to be funded in recognition of the nature of research, thus, the financial regulation and associated rules have to be adapted to primarily output oriented objectives and to conditions creating a transparent justification of costs.
What we need is a change in philosophy!
As results we want to achieve:
- Effective funding for research facilitating ground breaking results that have straight forward positive impact on our society and economy.
- Simplified research funding while keeping the necessary tasks of full financial accountability in dealing with tax payers money.
- Harmonised standards of research funding at European and national level, thus avoiding all kinds of unnecessary technical details.
- Stable legal framework throughout the different research and innovation programmes.
- Tolerable risk concept being recognized as an important success factor in research and innovation.
- To involve the best scientists and all stakeholders needed.
Oznake: S.D.