This week we kick off a series of weekly interviews with science book authors in Nature's Books & Arts section. Peter Atkins reveals the hard work behind a successful textbook; Carl Zimmer will highlight how passion is essential for popular science; David Brin will reveal that criticism improves fiction writing; Georgina Ferry will share research tips for biographies; and Joanna Cole will explain how to convey science to children.Najprej so se pogovarjali s Petrom Atkinsom, avtorjem zelo uspešnega univerzitetnega učbenika Physical Chemistry. Že odgovora na prvi dve vprašanji velja posebej izpostaviti:
What is the purpose of a textbook?Avtor dobrega učbenika mora po mnenju Atkinsa pisati skozi oči študenta. Sproti mora spremljati pričakovan tok misli ciljnega občinstva in v svojem tekstu neprestano odgovarjati na morebitne dileme in pomisleke, ki se sprožajo v glavi študenta. Enako velja seveda tudi za učbenike na gimnazijski ravni.
To inspire a mode of thought. Ideally, a book then becomes a companion for life.
What is a good science textbook?
One that is considerate to the students — one that tries to put itself in their position and to explain and interpret what is going on. The author has to imagine himself as a student, and think and then write down what the student might be puzzling over. It also needs a logical flow.
Oznake: S.D.