Nobelovo nagrado iz fizike dobi...

... internet! No ja, skorajda. Dobitniki so Charles K. Kao za preboj na področju optičnih telekomunikacij in Boyle in Smith za iznajdbo CCD senzorja. Tukaj je press release s strani nobelove fundacije in kratka razlaga

Charles K. Kao
Standard Telecommunication Laboratories, Harlow, UK, and Chinese University of Hong Kong
"for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication"

Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith
Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, USA
"for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit – the CCD sensor"

Dodatek: Alexey Petrov ima odličen komentar na letošnjo nobelovo nagrado na svojem blogu
Maybe next year the Nobel Committee can consider invention of cars and buses that take great scientists to work to make their discoveries or jet engines that are used in the airplanes that take them to the conferences where those results are discussed. Or maybe some ground-breaking technology in oil extraction that is used to fuel those engines that take those great scientists to work on their “fundamental projects.” Those inventions are definitely worthy of Nobel Prize in Physics. Stay tuned!