Potočnik o rangiranju univerz

Evropski komisar za znanost in raziskave, Janez Potočnik, na svojem blogu piše o rangiranju univerz. Čeprav je besedilo precej spolirano, politično korektno, itd., je morda vseeno vredno prebrati. Potočnikovo razglabljanje je vzpodbudil workshop z visokozvenečim naslovom "Multidimensional Assessment of University-based Research". Na žalost o workshopu samem izvemo precej malo (le zakaj tovrstne stvari niso javno dostopne, skupaj s transparencami?). Kakorkoli, Potočnik zaključi z besedami:
For me, the message from the workshop is clear. Today there is no single, correct methodology. It is our task to help develop methodologies which are fit for purpose and are suitable for a range of disciplines as well as interdisciplinary research use. However, we should be careful. The intention of evaluation is certainly not to create an ‘audit society’ in which indicators become an end in itself. Otherwise, we run into the risk of loosing sight of the essential role which universities and research play in the wider society and culture. We should encourage more discussion to bridge the sometimes artificial gap between education and research; and management, funding and policy on the other hand. This is obviously part of a much wider and no less important debate ….
